Indonesia Expat

Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups for Kids

Tooth decay is the most prevalent chronic disease – meaning that it takes quite some time to develop and even longer to eradicate – but it rarely prompts complaints from children. Unfortunately, it’s highly likely the decay has reached the tooth nerve by the time your little one makes fuss about it, and it may escalate to a dental abscess.

Dental abscesses in children may result from accumulated pus due to a bacterial infection. This may spread to adjacent teeth and gums if not immediately treated. Your child may complain about a constant throbbing pain that gets worse when chewing, and you might observe red, swollen gums and a fever. In some cases where the tooth has lost its ability to respond to pain, there might be no complaints at all. Bacteria that seeds from an abscess might enter the bloodstream, circulating around the body, and may lead to sepsis, the leading cause of death in children worldwide.

The key to good dental health and jaw development is having regular dental check-ups and maintaining proper oral hygiene. Tooth decay, the most frequent cause of severe infection in the mouth area, can be easily detected during regular dental check-ups. The earlier the cavity is detected, the easier it is to treat. A shallow cavity usually takes less than 15 minutes to treat. When the decay has reached the tooth nerve, a more complex procedure of root canal treatment and antibiotics are required. Ensure that your kids brush their teeth at least twice a day and floss once, and cut down on sugary foods.

Regular dental check-ups will help your kids to be more confident about dentists. Here are some tips to make your child’s dental check-up a success:

1. Select a dentist who knows about kids’ dental health and their psychology and behavior. A good pediatric dentist can make a dental visit not only enjoyable, but also something to look forward to.

2. Make an early appointment. Your little one will less likely to be cranky when he/ she is well rested.

3. Choose a clinic with a relaxed atmosphere and a dedicated children’s’ treatment room to keep them entertained during treatment.

4. Do not wait for pain complaints. Kids that come for regular check-ups will behave better than those who arrive crying in pain, and they will not associate dentists with pain.

5. Ask your little one to come during your regular dental appointments. This way, they can learn how to behave from you.

With a dedicated pediatric dental service, Indo Dental Center aims to make visits fun for children and hassle-free for parents. Our pediatric dentists will guide your child towards a lifetime of optimal oral health by recommending healthy preventive dentistry techniques. A comprehensive clinical and radiographic evaluation may also be carried out, with recommendations as necessary for further evaluation by specialists who concentrate on the health of the gums and supporting bony structures (periodontists), the alignment of teeth (orthodontists), or other areas. When necessary in complex cases, procedures may also be performed under sedation, which is applied carefully in the right dosage for the child’s age and weight as part of our Anxiety-free Dentistry practice.

Find Indo Dental Center in two locations near you:
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 97, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12180. Call +6221-2751 3777 (hunting).
Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya, CBD Pluit Ruko B2, Jakarta 14440. Call +6221-6667 2712.

For more information regarding our services and facilities, please visit

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