Penglipuran Village in Bangli Regency, Bali is included in the list of the World’s Best Tourist Villages 2023.
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, is pleased because Penglipuran Tourism Village was awarded the Best Tourism Village 2023 by UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization). He congratulated the tourist village on its achievements at the international level.
“Congratulations to Indonesia. Congratulations to Bali. Congratulations to Bangli Regency. Congratulations to Penglipuran Tourism Village. This Best Tourism Village from UNWTO is a complement to our happiness because, as we know, this is a very selective event, and this achievement continues the achievements of Nglanggeran Tourism Village in Gunungkidul in 2021,” said Uno at the Sapta Pesona Building, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Jakarta on Monday, 23rd October 2023.
Uno also explained that his party would maintain the village in accordance with the culture that has prevailed there. He does not want overtourism to occur in Penglipuran Village, which could damage the beauty of the cleanest village in the world.
“Tourism village activists in Bali can arrange so that there are no build-ups, traffic jams, and so on. Later, it will also be shared with (tourists) because around Penglipuran Tourism Village, there is the Undisan Tourism Village, Taro Village, and several other destinations that can be developed,” he said.
“Later, we will coordinate with the Head of the District. We will ensure that there will be no overtourism even though interest in visiting Penglipuran is very large,” he added.
Before being assessed by UNWTO, the village was first curated and won the Tourism Village Award organised by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.
Launched in 2021, UNWTO’s Best Tourism Villages initiative is part of the UN organisation’s Tourism for Rural Development Program. The program aims to encourage development and inclusion in rural areas, combat depopulation, advance innovation and value chain integration through tourism, and encourage sustainable practices.
Furthermore, regarding the development of Penglipuran Village after receiving this award, the Head of the Bali Provincial Tourism Office, Tjok Bagus Pemayun, will ensure that his team will maintain the village’s culture and environment. He targets that tourist visits can still maintain the quality of the village.
“We have coordinated with the Bangli Tourism Office; indeed, this is a tourism village that is classified as independent. Of course, this independence encourages culture-based, quality, and dignified tourism,” said Pemayun.