Rhyme Time: Indonesian BadmintonJason HueApril 24, 2013September 6, 2017 by Jason HueApril 24, 2013September 6, 20170Its origins can be traced back to a game called Poona, British soldiers felt it was fun when they played...
Jokowi’ Resolution: Must Reduce TrafficJason HueJanuary 14, 2013February 25, 2024 by Jason HueJanuary 14, 2013February 25, 20240During the 2nd half of 2012, the whole of Jakarta was plastered with banners and posters of potential candidates all...
Outlook: Indonesian InfrastructureJason HueNovember 6, 2012September 6, 2017 by Jason HueNovember 6, 2012September 6, 20170Solid infrastructure is a key ingredient to a nation’s development. All countries need efficient transportation, energy and sanitation in order...
In a DazeJason HueOctober 23, 2012October 20, 2017 by Jason HueOctober 23, 2012October 20, 20170The scene is all too familiar; the waving of a pocket-watch back and forth, followed by the mumblings of ‘Yes,...
Reduce, Reuse, RecycleJason HueSeptember 10, 2012September 6, 2017 by Jason HueSeptember 10, 2012September 6, 20175 Green is not just another colour, these days everyone’s talking green; not US Dollar-green but green as a synonym for...
Summer FlamesJason HueJuly 31, 2012September 6, 2017 by Jason HueJuly 31, 2012September 6, 20173 Bring out the bikinis and heat up the barbeque grills- it’s that time of the year. Throughout summer, our buddies...
Migrant Worker Quandary: To be Overworked? Or Have No Work at All?Jason HueJuly 16, 2012September 6, 2017 by Jason HueJuly 16, 2012September 6, 20172 At a run-down bus terminal in a small village, Yanti couldn’t hold back her tears as she hugs her three...
Selamat Datang di IndonesiaJason HueJune 18, 2012October 20, 2017 by Jason HueJune 18, 2012October 20, 20175 In Soekarno-Hatta Airport (Jakarta) you may have had an unpleasant experience to share. By the end of this article, I...
Education ExtremesJason HueMay 8, 2012September 6, 2017 by Jason HueMay 8, 2012September 6, 20170‘‘I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way’’. I couldn’t agree more...