Indonesia’s Capital Market Predicted to Continue to GrowIndonesia ExpatSeptember 8, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatSeptember 8, 20220Indonesia’s capital market is projected to remain optimistic, despite the challenges of economic turbulence coming from national macroeconomic conditions. Financial...
Indonesia Officially Becomes an Upper Middle Class CountryIndonesia ExpatFebruary 24, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatFebruary 24, 20220Indonesia has been classified as an upper-middle-income country, the government has announced. “Today we have officially become a world middle...
New Tax Rules; Returned Goods IncreasesIndonesia ExpatMarch 13, 2020March 13, 2020 by Indonesia ExpatMarch 13, 2020March 13, 20200The trend of returning goods to foreign countries from Palembang has increased following the implementation of new tax rules on...