Indonesia Expat

Dua Tangan Cukup: Karina Donates Recyclables for Arts & Crafts

Dua Tangan Cukup - Karina

Dua Tangan Cukup - KarinaDua Tangan Cukup (Two Hands are Enough) is a movement started by Clean Up Jakarta Day, under Indonesia Expat, which encourages actions to clean up the environment, small or big, from people of all walks of life around Indonesia, which will in turn inspire change. We want to hear about what you’re doing to clean up your community and make a difference and we will publish your stories here, every issue. This could be a beach cleanup, an underwater cleanup, a recycling initiative you are putting together where you live, educating people how to separate waste or anything related to cleaning up your community. All you need are your hands and a bit of spare time to make a difference!

Karina Soewanto is a mum and the owner of the Wheatgrass Juice Company, a home industry business. Karina gathers her recyclables at home, including cereal packaging, plastic bottles and tubs, then she cleans them and brings them, on a regular basis, to her son’s school, Eton House in Jakarta. At her son’s school they have created a Recycling Corner, which is full of items to be used for arts and crafts projects. Thanks to Karina, the children of Eton House are educated to value recyclable waste from a young age, “treasuring their trash” as seen in this photo below. Thank you, Karina, for doing this simple action that can inspire change!

Remember to be the change you want to see. What’s your Dua Tangan Cukup action? Send them to

Dua Tangan Cukup - 18 April 2013

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