The government’s regulations regarding mandatory use of reusable shopping bags have been in place since 1st July.
However, the implementation of the rules have not been enforced fully and is now being criticised as a little result is seen.
According to a statement from Tubagus Soleh Ahmadi, Director of the Jakarta Forum for the Environment, on Tuesday 11th August,
“Shopping centre managers were not obedient and shops have continued providing plastic bags.”
Tubagus noted that many convenience stores and shopping centres are not following regulations. Store owners are considered to have played a major role in violating the regulations on environmentally friendly bags.
According to Tubagus, the government’s monitoring of the implementation of the plastic bag ban has been weak. “Information about the dangers of plastic are not provided, even though it is part of the regulations,” he stated.
The ban on single-use plastic bags was introduced by Government Regulation Number 142. It states that shopping bags in shopping centres, supermarkets, and small markets must be eco-friendly.
Source: Kompas