The Directorate of Traffic of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, along with the provincial government of DKI Jakarta, has decided to temporarily revoke the policy of restrictions on vehicles based on license plates being odd or even in the capital for the next two weeks.
Kasubdit Gakkum, followed by Metropolitan Police AKBP Fahri Siregar, said the decision had been adopted following the fast spread of the coronavirus.
“Yes, the limitation of motorised vehicles with odd-even systems is temporarily eliminated from 16 March 2020,” said Fahri. He confirmed that there will be no sanctions as long as the revocation of the odd-even rule stands.
The governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, yesterday encouraged citizens to limit their activity outdoors in the middle of the corona-type two virus pandemic (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that leads to the disease Covid-19. Anies also issued policies that placed extreme restrictions on the use of public transport.
The number of patients with a positive test for the virus in Indonesia increased to 117 cases up to Sunday 15th March 2020, according to the spokesman for the virus handling, Achmad Yurianto. The number continues to rise due to the search for contacts from previous cases.
“Per today, from the laboratory I received in the morning, today we have 21 new cases where 19 of them are in Jakarta and two are in Central Java,” said Yuri on Sunday.
Source: Detik
Image: Otomotifnet