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Latest PPKM Level 4 Restrictions

level 4 restrictions

Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian has issued instructions regarding PPKM level 4 in Java and Bali for the period 16-23rd  August 2021.

In regulation number 34 of 2021, the government still prohibits cinemas from operating.

“Cinemas, children’s playgrounds, and entertainment venues in shopping centres are closed,” Tito wrote.

However, a number of other rules related to shopping centres have been relaxed. “Activities at shopping centres and trade centres are allowed to operate 50 percent from 10am to 8pm with the health protocol regulated by the Trade Ministry,” explained Tito.

“Dine-in is allowed, but the number of visitors to the place is still limited to 25 percent with one table for a maximum of two people. Then, the duration of dining remains the same, whereby visitors can only dine-in for 30 minutes,” continued Tito.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, who is also the Coordinator of Emergency PPKM Handling for Java and Bali, said the past week’s results showed that health protocols in shopping centres had been carried out in a disciplined manner.

This is evidenced through the PeduliLindungi system, which shows 1,015,303 people checked in to the system in order to enter shopping centres.

In addition to malls, Luhut went on to say the government will also test health protocols for export-oriented and domestic-oriented companies as determined by the Industry Ministry. More than 390,000 people will take part in this trial.

“The industry will be allowed to operate at 100 percent with the implementation of a minimum of two shifts. These companies are required to use the PeduliLindungi application to screen employees and non-employees who enter the factory location,” he said.

Meanwhile, outdoor sports activities that are carried out individually or in groups with a number of no more than four people and do not involve physical contact will be allowed to operate with strict health protocols.

“The trial application of this SOP uses the PeduliLindungi application in four agglomerations in Java and Bali at PPKM level 4 and cities and districts with PPKM level 3,” said Luhut.

In other arrangements, the government will also increase the capacity for places of worship to 50 percent in cities and districts with PPKM levels 4 and 3.

As for domestic travellers using private cars, motorbikes and long-distance public transportation like airplanes, buses, ships, and trains, they must:

  1. Show a vaccine card with at least the first dose of vaccination.
  2. Show a 48-hour PCR test result for aircrafts and a 24-hour antigen test result for travel by private car, motorcycle, bus, train, and ship.
  3. The provisions as referred to in number one and two only apply to arrivals from outside Java and Bali or departures from Java and Bali to outside Java and Bali, and do not apply to transportation within the agglomeration area, for example, the Greater Jakarta area.
  4. For travel by plane between cities or districts within Java and Bali, travellers can show a negative result of a 24-hour antigen test result, provided that the second dose of vaccination has been obtained, and a negative 48-hour PCR test result when only the first dose of vaccine is received.

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