Jakarta is ranked as the city with the second worst air quality in the world this morning, Friday 4th October.
The ranking is an increase on yesterday when the capital was ranked fourth. Based on data from AirVisual.com at 06.27qm, as quoted by Antara, Jakarta’s air quality index reached 187, registering as “unhealthy” on their scale. The rating is equivalent to a pollutant value of 125 µg / m³ with a parameter of PM 2.5.
The first place for poor air quality was occupied by Hanoi, Vietnam with an AQI measurement of 204 based on AQI or equivalent to PM2.5 of 153.8 µg / m³. In third position is the City of Kuwait, followed by Dubai which has an AQI of 158 based on equivalent to PM2.5 of 68.4 µg / m³.
When the AQI reaches levels deemed “unhealthy”, inhabitants of the area are advised to remain indoors and avoid strenuous activities. When going outside, people are advised to wear a good quality mask which protects against PM2.5 particles which stops the fine particles entering airways.
Since August 2019, Jakartans have had to breathe poor quality air, based on air quality reports from AirVisual.com.
Source: Kompas
Image: CNN Indonesia