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Education Featured

Top Free Online Courses to Elevate Your Skills and Knowledge

Source: e-Learning Industry

Who would’ve thought; too much of lazing around at home can actually get exhausting and our bodies can start to reflect a higher sense of boredom?

Relaxing is good for our mental and physical health during this self-quarantine period – so it’s imperative we do it as much as necessary. But why don’t you also take this time to upgrade your skills and knowledge too? Many universities, companies, and associations are providing free online courses, that vary in duration, during this coronavirus crisis. Now you have the time, so look through these top free online courses set to start soon!

Ivy League Universities
Harvard, Cornell, Brown, Columbia, Princeton, Dartmouth, and Yale are highly selective and extremely hard to get into. Fortunately, all these universities are now offering free online courses across multiple online course platforms. There are 500 courses, of which around 450 are still active. These cover a variety of subjects including computer science, data science, programming, humanities, business, art and design, social sciences, health and medicine, engineering, education and teaching, mathematics, and personal development.

Varying in duration, students can also choose the difficulty level — introductory, intermediate or advanced. Browse through the following links to see which course intrigues you!

Animation Classes from Disney
Disney Park on YouTube now features a “How to Draw Series” for those of you who wish to draw better, even if you don’t have any drawing skills to speak of. Disney animators lead the classes, which range from 10 to 30 minutes. You can learn how to draw some of the most popular Disney characters like Elsa from “Frozen” and Goofy. Visit the link here:  Disney Park

Google courses for teachers of the K – 12-year groups is a hub of information and tools to help teachers during the coronavirus crisis. Click here to register yourself to ease your teaching obstacles Meanwhile, Google didn’t neglect the general public. Enrol for certification in digital marketing and mobile app development. To check out the course, click here  and to register, click here

The Professional Photographers of America (PPA) has opened up their widely acclaimed online photography courses to the world. That means that all of their more than 1,100 courses, covering everything from basic to intricate and detailed photography, are available for you to access for free. Simply create a free account on their website then you can thoroughly learn about photography.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
Taught by Don Tapscott, executive director of the Blockchain Research Institute, the blockchain revolution specialisation course is hosted on popular online course platform Coursera, and is available for free. Students will gain a thorough understanding of blockchain technology and learn how it can find practical applications in real-world situations. Rated as one of the best online courses about blockchain, it doesn’t require you to have prior coding knowledge and only requires you to invest about 12 hours a week, or less than two hours a day. Click here to get started 

See: Top Applications for Learning other Languages

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