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Borobudur Tour Tickets for Foreigners Increase Under Discussions

Borobudur Tour Tickets for Foreigners Increase Under Discussions

Entrance tickets to the Borobudur tourist area for foreign tourists are more expensive than for local tourists.

Price rises will be accompanied by service improvements.

This was confirmed by the Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno. He said the service improvements in question include tour guides and translators.

“It’ll definitely be more expensive, but the services provided are also of higher quality for foreign tourists, including translators. The tour guide must be equipped with knowledge of the Borobudur story which is very rich with potential opportunities going forward,” said Uno as quoted by Antara on Monday 8th May 2023.

Even though so far he has not confirmed the new price of entrance tickets to the Borobudur area for foreigners, Uno gave assurances that the tourism concept in the Borobudur area for them will be inclined towards environment-based tourism such as ecotourism, glamping, and so on. 

“For those whose land authority is final, we are socialising this with the Finance Minister’s regulation. This is much more environmentally based,” he said

Previously, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani set the price for an entrance ticket to the Borobudur area at ​​Rp 4,000-15,000 per entry per person. Moreover, a vehicle ticket costs Rp 5,000-25,000 per entry. 

This rule is contained in Finance Minister regulation number 42 of 2023 concerning service fees for the public service agency for the Borobudur Authority Executing Agency at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, which come into effect on the date of promulgation, namely May 2023.

This tariff determination applies to Indonesian citizens, while foreign tourists will be subject to tariffs of up to 200 percent in accordance with various considerations. The amount of entrance fee for foreigners will be determined by the main director of the Public Service Agency of the Borobudur Authority Executing Agency at the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry. 

The regulation also states that setting service rates takes into account various aspects, including investment costs, utilisation rates, user segments, alignments, and competitors’ rates.

The public can also enter the Borobudur area for free if they hold state activities to raise social funds such as natural disasters and other humanitarian assistance as well as other non-commercial international events taking into account the financial condition of the Public Service Agency of the Borobudur Authority Executing Agency at the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry.

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