Komunal 88 – Sustainability is Good for BusinessIndonesia ExpatApril 25, 2018November 10, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatApril 25, 2018November 10, 20210According to a University of Georgia study of 192 countries, Indonesia ranked second in the world for mismanaged plastic waste,...
Indonesia’s Kampung Pelangi: From Slum Transformation to Creative SustainabilityCaranissa DjatmikoJune 5, 2017June 8, 2017 by Caranissa DjatmikoJune 5, 2017June 8, 20170The government’s decision to invest Rp.300 million (about US$29,000) on Kampung Pelangi’s slum makeover in South Semarang shows its dedication...
Indonesia’s Solution to the Plastic EpidemicOliviana HandayaniFebruary 28, 2017 by Oliviana HandayaniFebruary 28, 20170How ironic it is to know that the disposable, non-degradable plastic products, such as rain ponchos, straws and cutlery, which...
Saving Energy at Home: the Revolution in Green ConsumptionQraved TeamMay 4, 2015August 8, 2017 by Qraved TeamMay 4, 2015August 8, 20170Energy conservation is an acute necessity on the beautiful but vulnerable island of Bali. You can also save millions of...
Meet Mike O’LearyMay TienJuly 14, 2014June 14, 2024 by May TienJuly 14, 2014June 14, 20240Founder and CEO of ROLE Bali, a non-profit humanitarian organization whose aim is to improve the education, well-being and self...
Ferzya from AcehDavid MetcalfJune 2, 2014August 8, 2017 by David MetcalfJune 2, 2014August 8, 20171Whenever I meet someone on my travels around Indonesia like Ferzya, I am filled with great hope for the future...
Meet Gil Frei aka Bamboo GilRemko TanisMay 6, 2013August 23, 2017 by Remko TanisMay 6, 2013August 23, 20171“I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art anyone could ever want.” – Andy Warhol....
Earth Day Bali StylePhil BriggsApril 4, 2013September 6, 2017 by Phil BriggsApril 4, 2013September 6, 20170Two of the many environmentally concerned groups on the island of Bali have come up with some great plans to...
John HardyRemko TanisApril 4, 2013April 24, 2020 by Remko TanisApril 4, 2013April 24, 20204 Meet John Hardy, Jewellery Designer and Co-Founder of the “Greenest School on Earth”, the Green School in Bali. From bamboo...
Bali’s Sashimi Tuna Journey to the World’ Biggest Fish MarketSeamus McElroyFebruary 11, 2013August 16, 2017 by Seamus McElroyFebruary 11, 2013August 16, 20173 Five local Indonesian wooden longline vessels enter Benoa harbour within the space of two hours. They have been fishing for...