Exploring Jakarta’s Top Italian RestaurantsIndonesia ExpatNovember 30, 2023November 30, 2023 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 30, 2023November 30, 20230Ciao! Benvenuti nel nostro ristorante. In Jakarta, Italian restaurants consistently satisfy culinary enthusiasts with their delectable Italian cuisine among the...
Roberto Fiorini: Taste the Passion of CookingIndonesia ExpatApril 3, 2023April 6, 2023 by Indonesia ExpatApril 3, 2023April 6, 20230“When you start your journey as a chef, you know it will never end,” said Roberto Fiorini, who’s had a...
A Unique Flamy Vibe at Inferno The GrillRazi Faruqi PashaFebruary 20, 2023 by Razi Faruqi PashaFebruary 20, 20230As its name suggests, Inferno The Grill emphasises an ambience of hell. The restaurant is decorated with a dark, flamy...
The Most-Recommended Steakhouses in JakartaIndonesia ExpatFebruary 2, 2023January 11, 2024 by Indonesia ExpatFebruary 2, 2023January 11, 20240Just imagine a beef cut into perfect pieces, seasoned, and grilled on a hot grill is one of the tastiest...