PLN’s Coal Deficit Could Cause Blackouts Across Java and BaliIndonesia ExpatJanuary 1, 2022January 1, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatJanuary 1, 2022January 1, 20220The electricity supply to 10 million State Electricity Enterprise (PLN) customers, both the general public and industry in Java, Madura,...
Jakarta Flooding, Electricity Cut OffIndonesia ExpatFebruary 20, 2021July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatFebruary 20, 2021July 9, 20210Heavy rainfall has hit DKI Jakarta and its surroundings from the night of Friday 19th February into Saturday 20th February,...
Pilius, the Dayak Kenyah ElderDavid MetcalfAugust 11, 2014April 18, 2023 by David MetcalfAugust 11, 2014April 18, 20230Dayak Pilius was born in paradise, in a place called Long Saan, deep in the heart of North Borneo. I...
The Power of OneKenneth YeungMay 6, 2013August 23, 2017 by Kenneth YeungMay 6, 2013August 23, 20170Most expats who have lived in Jakarta for any length of time will have a story about electricity problems. From...
Food for ThoughtRemko TanisMarch 25, 2013September 4, 2017 by Remko TanisMarch 25, 2013September 4, 20176 In this 21st century, Bali is rarely referred to as a paradise. Aldous Huxley in the mid-20th century wrote a...