Bali – Russian Man Caught in Ngurah Rai Airport with 63 Cannabis Pills in his StomachIndonesia ExpatFebruary 12, 2018 by Indonesia ExpatFebruary 12, 20180A Russian Man carrying 63 cannabis capsules (hash pills) in his stomach was arrested in Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport...
Soetta Customs Thwart Drug Smugglers in Bumper MonthIndonesia ExpatMay 5, 2017November 11, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatMay 5, 2017November 11, 20210The stings netted a total 10.7 kilograms of methamphetamine. Two attempts were made through smuggling in packages and the other...
A Look at Narcotics Laws and Statistics in IndonesiaSharon HambaliApril 3, 2017 by Sharon HambaliApril 3, 20170Despite a growing reported prevalence of narcotics, Indonesia?s anti-drug top cop says the country can only outlaw 43 of 800...