Indonesia Expat

Discovery Zone Therapy Center: Optimizing Potential

Discovery Zone is a therapy center that provides therapy and counseling for children with learning disabilities and other developmental challenges as well as psychological guidance and therapies for adults.

The center is headed by an experienced psychologist, author and lecturer, Rosdiana Setyaningrum MPsi, MHPEd who regularly appears as an expert source in various talk shows and workshops covering women and children development. At Discovery Zone, Rosdiana leads a team of specialists that develop and implement individualized programs to enhance a child’s learning and overall growth.

Therapies offered at Discovery Zone

Therapies offered at Discovery Zone include Occupational Therapy (therapy for those recuperating from physical or mental illness), speech and language therapy, as well as Remedial Teaching. The center also offers special education and early intervention classes that adapts Individualized Education Program (IEP) that’s catered to each child’s unique needs. All classes and therapies are offered in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.

For special needs kids, Discovery Zone also holds a range of extracurricular activities: drawing, cooking, judo, music therapy, and social training therapy.

Additionally, Discovery Zone Therapy Center also provides counseling, assessment (talent, personality assessment, etc) as well as psychological therapy for adults.

The Discovery Zone brand itself has been around since 2015, with the establishment of D’zone Muara Karang and soon the Discovery Zone Therapy Centre BSD followed suit in 2017 to help children with learning disabilities and other developmental challenges.

Discovery Zone Therapy Centre has two branches, one in RS THT Proklamasi BSD and the Muara Karang branch that was established in 2015. Discovery Zone Therapy Centre Muara Karang has similar facilities with its BSD branch.

Learn more about the services that the schools provide at

Discovery Zone Therapy Centre BSD Clinic

RS THT Proklamasi, Level 5 Kompleks CBD Kav 7
Jln. Pahlawan Seribu, Lengkong Gudang
Serpong, Tangerang Selatan (Belakang Teras Kota Mal)

Phone: (021) 2900-2626
(021) 2900-2929 ext 110 or request to be transferred to Level 5

Facebook: Dzone Therapy Centre
Instagram: Dzone Therapy Centre

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