The implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in Surabaya Raya, which includes Surabaya, Gresik, and Sidoarjo in East Java, will be accompanied by strict sanctions.
East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said that there will be a number of administrative sanctions handed out for driving violations and other activities undertaken during the restrictions.
According to Khofifah, during the first stage of PSBB, that took place between 28th April-11th May 2020, the focus of efforts was on education and socialisation, meaning that the sanctions that were handed out were light.
“But the second phase will include more visible and decisive actions. For those who violate PSBB, will not get a driver’s license extension for the next six months, as well as the suspension for the management of police record certificate (SKCK),” the governor said.
With the extension of the PSBB’s enforcement period, Khofifah asked the community to improve their discipline in following the PSBB rules, such as maintaining a social distance, wearing masks, and other health protocols.
“Because PSBB is not only the responsibility of the government but also the community. If the community is less obedient and disciplined, even if it gets extended again, the number of patients will still increase,” she said.
The extension of PSBB in Surabaya Raya follows the region not reaching several indicators of success based, on Permenkes 9 year 2020. Specifically, the indicators are: decreasing the number of COVID-19 cases; decreasing the COVID-19 case mortality rate, and the absence of the spread to new area areas or local transmissions.
The second stage of PSBB in Surabaya Raya covers the period 11-25th May 2020.
Source: Kompas
Source Image: Liputan 6