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Homecoming Ban Expanded; New Rules Detailed Here

Mudik Road
Homecoming Ban Expanded; New Rules Detailed Here

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has issued an addendum to circular number 13 of 2021 concerning the elimination of the Eid Al-Fitr 1442 Hijryah homecoming and efforts to control the spread of COVID-19 during the holy month of Ramadan 1442 Hijryah.

“The purpose of the addendum to the circular letter, which was signed on 21st April, is to anticipate an increase in the flow of people that has the potential to increase the transmission of cases between regions in the period before and after the homecoming ban period is being enforced,” said chairperson of the COVID-19 Task Force, Doni Monardo.

Therefore, the requirements for domestic travellers (PPDN) are tightened during 14 days prior the homecoming ban, covering 22nd April – 5th May 2021 and the seven days following the travel ban, namely 18 _ 24th May 2021.

The previously issued rules on travel restrictions that cover 6-17th May 2021 will go ahead as planned.

Doni said that the changes relate to the testing validity periods for travellers and the time period covered by restrictions being amended to 22nd April – 24th May. The aim is to encourage people to abandon their intentions to go home during the pandemic.

“Based on the results of the post-determination survey on the elimination of homecoming during Eid Al-Fitr 2021, by the Research and Development Agency of the Transportation Ministry, there were still groups of people who wanted to go home either before or after the homecoming ban,” said Doni.

The detailed provisions are as follows:
  1. Transport by air, sea, and intercity train will require travellers to show a negative RT-PCR or rapid test antigen test result taken within a maximum period of 24 hours before departure, or a certificate of a negative result of a GeNose C19 test at the airport or railway station before departure, plus completing the e-HAC Indonesia form.
  2. For routine sea and land travel with the same district, regency, or province, travellers won’t need an RT-PCR test, rapid antigen test, or GeNose C19 test results. Random testing will be carried out, if needed, by the Regional COVID-19 Handling Task Forces.
  3. Anyone take a trip over land by public transport can be subject to a random rapid antigen test or GeNose C19 test, if needed by the Regional COVID-19 Handling Task Force.
  4. Individuals travelling by private land transport are advised to carry out RT-PCR tests or rapid antigen tests within a maximum period of 24 hours before departure or take a GeNose C19 test in a rest area to be able to continue their journey. Random tests will be carried out, if needed, by the Regional COVID-19 Handling Task Force.
  5. Travellers using all modes of public and private transportation are required to fill in the e-HAC Indonesia form.
  6. Children under five years old aren’t required to take the RT-PCR test, rapid antigen test, or GeNose C19 test as a condition of travel#
  7. If the RT-PCR test, rapid antigen test, or GeNose C19 results are negative but there are symptoms present, the traveller cannot continue their journey and must carry out RT-PCR tests and complete self-isolation whilst waiting for results.
  8. Ministries, institutions, and regional governments that carry out functions related to land, sea, air, or rail transportation will follow up the addendum to the circular letter by issuing legal instruments.
Who is allowed to travel?

The circular letter states that logistical distribution service vehicles and travellers with urgent needs can still travel. These include work or official travel, visits to sick families, visits from bereaved family members, pregnant women who are accompanied by one family member, a maximum of two people to assist childbirth, and certain other non-travellers who have obtained permission from their local authorities. Addendum Surat Edaran KaSatgas No. 13 Tahun 2021 tentang Peniadaan Mudik Hari Raya Idul Fitri Tahun 1442H dan Upaya Pengendalian Penyebaran COVID-19 Selama Bulan Suci Ramadhan (2)

Also Read Latest Domestic Travel Conditions Starts 1st April

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