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Flash Flood and Landslide Hit East Flores

East Flores
Flash Flood and Landslide Hit East Flores

East Flores Deputy Regent Agustinus Payong Boli has said there are hundreds of people missing in the landslide flood that hit the area of Nele Lamadike Village, Ile Boleng District in East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.

“The village head of Nele Lamadike Pius Pedang told me that hundreds of people had been buried by landslides and, until now, they had not been found,” Agustinus said.

The landslides occurred early Sunday morning, around 1am local time, after extreme weather of heavy rain and strong winds hit the local area for a sustained period. Agustinus noted that he was currently coordinating with related agencies to go into the field to directly manage the situation.

“We will immediately deploy heavy equipment to the field to look for victims,” he added.

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Flores Regency reported that 23 residents had been found dead due to the disaster. Reports from Lamanele kampung, Ile Bokeng District, stated 49 families had been affected, 20 victims were confirmed dead, and five people are recorded as being injured.

Further, the local BPBD also reported material losses in the form of dozens of houses being buried in the same village.

“Three other victims who died were found in Oyang Barang kampung, Wotan Ulumado District,” said the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency Disaster Data, Information, and Communication Centre, Raditya Jati.

In addition, local residents’ houses have been washed away by the flood and a broken bridge in Waiburak Village, East Adonara District. Village government officials are still collecting data in the area.

“The current conditions in the field are that it’s still raining accompanied by strong winds,” he said.

The primary obstacle to providing aid and relief has been identified as access to the affected area. The BPBD can only gain access by sea, crossing to Adonara island. Rain, wind, and high waves mean that boat access is currently not allowed by the local authorities.

The local government has held a limited meeting between the Regent, the Indonesian National Army, and local police, as well as related agencies. One outcome the establishment of an emergency response post.

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