The final round of Red Bull BC One Regional South East Asia is scheduled to take place at M Bloc Space Jakarta.
Indonesia has been selected as the first host of the final round of an international breakdance tournament, Red Bull BC One Regional South East Asia. Red Bull BC One is a global one-on-one breaking competition taking place annually. Moreover, this breakdance tournament is also home to one of the most competitive breaking crews in the world, the Red Bull BC One All Stars. The announcement of Indonesia being the host for the final round took place on the 22nd of March.
Although Regional Cyphers were held in various countries in Southeast Asia, namely the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand, this marked the first time Indonesia had the honour of hosting the said regional event.
“It’s an honour to host the 2024 Southeast Asia Finals,” Kreate, the coach of the Indonesian national breakdance team, said in a press statement on the same day. “Red Bull BC One itself is the most prestigious event and the biggest one-on-one format, break-dancing battle in the world. By Red Bull doing a tour around South East Asia, it gives the local community hope to participate one day at the world finals.”
The Jakarta-based break-dancer, B-Girl DC, has previously triumphed in the previous round and been chosen as one of the dancers representing Indonesia in the final round. She told the press that she hoped that Indonesia being the host for the final round could amp up the buzz leading up to the tournament.
“Since I am officially an athlete from Jakarta, I had to push and prepare myself for Red Bull BC One. It was super exciting to battle the other countries for the first time here in Indonesia,” B-Girl DC added.
The final round is scheduled to take place at M Bloc Space Jakarta. The date and time are to be announced.