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Revised Complete Rules during Christmas and New Year’s Holidays

Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian issued another set of rules with instruction No.66 of 2021 concerning prevention and control of COVID-19 during Christmas and New Year’s Year 2022.

The instruction revises activity and mobility rules as stated in the instruction of the Home Affairs Minister number 62 of 2021 concerning prevention and control of COVID-19 during Christmas 2021 and New Year’s Year 2022.

Please avoid using the term PPKM level 3. Why? Because not all regions are at the same level of vulnerability to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Tito in a virtual meeting on Wednesday 8th December. 

In the revised rules, the government still prohibits the celebration of Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022 while other activities are allowed but under strict supervision.

“New Year’s parades and processions are prohibited and New Year events are banned, both public and private, which have the potential to cause crowds,” reads the third rule letter b. 

The following are the complete rules of the Home Affairs Ministry No.66 of 2022 during the period of Christmas Year 2021 and New Year’s Year 2022 on 24th December 2021 to 2nd January 2022:

Health protocols

The functions of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force in each area, both at the provincial, district, city, sub-district, and village levels will be activated and optimised no later than 20th December 2021.

Stricter health protocols are to be implemented, with the 5M approach – wearing masks, washing hands with soap or hand sanitiser, maintaining distance, reducing mobility, and avoiding crowds – and 3T – testing, tracing, treatment – and taking into account ventilation, air, and water factors. The duration and distance of interactions will be considered to help reduce the risk of transmission during activities.


The achievement of vaccination targets in each region will be accelerated. The aim will be for the first dose to reach the target of 70 percent and the second dose to reach the target of 48.57 percent of the total target, particularly vaccination for the elderly by the end of December 2021. 

Furthermore, vaccinating children aged 6 to 11 years old will start, provided that the target has reached a minimum of 70 percent of the first total target dose and a minimum target of 60 percent of the elderly’s first dose is in accordance with applicable regulations.


The flow of inbound travellers from abroad including Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) will be tightened in anticipation of the year-end holiday’s homecoming tradition. The use and enforcement of the PeduliLindungi application in public activities will be multiplied, such as at public facilities, entertainment facilities like shopping centres and restaurants, tourist attractions, and religious facilities.

People who travel outside their region must use the PeduliLindungi application and meet the requirements of long-distance travel using public transportation. Travellers are required to be fully vaccinated and conduct an antigen test that’s valid for 24 hours. 

Those who have not been vaccinated and cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons are however forbidden to travel long distances.


Activities including arts, culture, and sports and which are not Christmas and New Year celebrations, but have the potential to cause transmission of COVID-19 must be carried out without spectators. These can be attended by no more than 50 people. Moreover, all squares and public spaces will be closed between 31st  December 2021 until 1st January 2022.

Shopping centres

Shopping centres are obliged to open between 9am-10pm local time to prevent crowds at certain hours and impose restrictions with the number of visitors, which must not exceed 75 percent of the total capacity. Celebrations must be eliminated, except for small business owners’ exhibitions. 

Visitors are urged to use the PeduliLindungi application when entering and exiting shopping centres. Only visitors in the green category are allowed to enter. 

Meanwhile, eating and drinking activities in shopping centres can be carried out with a maximum capacity of 75 percent.

Tourist attractions

Popular tourism destinations such as Bali, Bandung, Bogor, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya, Medan, and others are to increase awareness of stricter health protocols. 

Tourist attractions are to apply odd-even arrangements to organise visits whilst limiting the number of tourists to 75 percent of the total capacity. In addition, celebratory parties with crowds in open and closed areas are prohibited, use of loudspeakers that cause people to congregate in large numbers must be reduced and community activities including cultural arts that cause crowds are to be limited. 

New Years celebrations 

Celebrating New Year 2022 should be done individually or with family,  avoiding crowds and travel, and activities should be carried out in a way that doesn’t have the potential to cause crowds. Parades and processions are prohibited.

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