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Revamping Hiring for Industry 4.0

How Our Revolutionary Methodology Works Wonders

PRIME Consultancy is the licensed partner of Humanostics in Indonesia and together we are helping our corporate clients implement their business strategies by providing tools and guidance through accurately measuring their human capital. By taking the challenges of Industry 4.0 seriously, by using PI Index profiling tools developed over the course of more than 60 years, finally having the right people assigned to the right positions can be achieved. We want to give you an insight into how two of our main tools work; the Behavioural and the Cognitive Assessment.

Focusing on the person, not the population.

The Predictive Index Behavioural Assessment™ predicts four primary personality constructs – dominance, extraversion, patience, and formality. These are characteristics that reliably describe, explain and predict day-to-day workplace behaviours.

The PI Behavioural Assessment was created through a normative sample of thousands of people. Data collected from this sample was used to identify a normal range of behavioural factor levels for the adult working population (e.g., what is high, average, and low). Typically, benchmarked samples only allow us to see where someone falls on a spectrum relative to others in the working population. In comparison, the PI Behavioural Assessment leverages this benchmarking methodology, but it also reaches beyond typical people-to-people differences to provide a lens into individuals’ distinct drives and needs by comparing behavioural factors.

For example, even though two people may have equal levels of dominance as compared to each other, one person may have a high level of extraversion relative to their level of dominance, while the other person’s extraversion is low in comparison. The relative difference between each person’s dominance and extraversion levels represents a very different set of drives and needs, and these differences impact how each individual will function at their best in the workplace. Providing such insight allows for a true understanding of what people will need to function at their best — what uniquely motivates, drives, or even excites them — in comparison to the needs of others in any location worldwide.

How the cognitive assessment works

The PI Learning indicator is a general, 12-minute, timed cognitive ability assessment that measures an individual’s capacity to learn quickly, grasp new concepts, adapt to changing circumstances, and understand complexity in the work place. Cognitive ability is considered to be one of the best predictors of training success and job performance.

Conclusive research finds that, when measured, specific cognitive abilities are so highly rated that they represent a single underlying factor known as ‘g’ – general cognitive ability. This means that when a person scores highly on a ‘g’ measure like this one, they are likely to be strong in the area of specific cognitive abilities, demonstrating the capability to perform at higher levels for workplace tasks. Assessment-takers are tasked with completing as many correct answers as possible out of a set of 50 questions of varying difficulties, that cover:

1. Numerical – 3 people fail the test. 2 people do not. How many took the test?

2. Abstract – A square is split in half diagonally. Which shape results?

3. Verbal – Sally laughs when the bell rings. The bell rang twice yesterday. Which of the following is true?

The test-engine builds each assessment so that every candidate experiences a unique set of questions, minimising the risk of cheating and creating the possibility for a second assessment. Instead of “good” vs. “bad’ scores, it is best to think of PI Learning Indicator scores in terms of how they fit with the cognitive requirements of the role. A “good” fit shows an increased likelihood of success through training and job performance, while “weaker” fitting may indicate difficulties in getting up-to-speed quickly, catching on, or figuring things out.

It is best to start by identifying a recommended target score based on the role and work environment. The level of job complexity and organisational factors, such as the speed of business and structural impact, helps shape the cognitive demands of the job and is considered when identifying a recommended target score.

Urgently needed: Reliable, scientifically valid HR Tools that can predict Job Performance.

• Reliability: Test-retest reliability for the PI Behavioural Assessment™ has been evaluated in multiple studies with results showing strong stability in intervals of two weeks to four years and adequate reliability from retest intervals of five to eight years. Internal consistency reliability has been evaluated recently in three studies with an average internal consistency reliability between 0.82 and 0.87. The PI Learning Indicator™ has been evaluated multiple times over the past four years for test-retest reliability as well with studies showing test-retest parallel form estimates between 0.71 and 0.81.

• Scientifically Valid: Multiple construct validation studies have been conducted over the years, comparing behavioural assessment factors to relevant scales in well-established normal personality assessments like the 16PF and NEO PI-R. These studies have shown the strong convergent validity that is necessary to claim that the PI Behavioural Assessment is construct-valid. For example, the correlation between the assessment’s Dominance (A) factor and the 16PF’s Independence factor was 0.47 (p < 0.01) and the correlation between the Extroversion (B) factor and the NEO PI-R Extroversion scale is 0.63. Strong, concurrent validation evidence with similar assessments (e.g., the Wonderlic, Raven’s Progressive Matrices, and Cubix Logix) shows that the PI Learning Indicator provides a solid measure of cognitive ability.

• Predicting Job Performance: The PI Behavioural Assessment has been investigated in nearly 500 criterion-related validity studies since September of 1976, across almost all jobs and countries. This body of evidence supports the fact that the assessment is indeed consistently related to important workplace outcomes such as tenure, turnover, sales, and customer satisfaction. Two recent meta-analyses show that it predicts overall job performance, tenure, sales performance, and counterproductive behaviour.

• Bias Free: The assessment is bias free. In every study in the last two decades, it has been shown that scores do not differ on the basis of age, gender, or ethnicity. In addition, there is no evidence to indicate that its inclusion in a company’s personnel selection system — either in a compensatory or “multiple-hurdle” selection model — results in adverse impact against any protected class when examining adverse impact via the four-fits rule, Adverse Impact (AI) Rule or the “two Standard Deviations” rule.

The experience is simple and revolutionary

When paired together, the PI Behavioural Assessment and Learning Indicator can increase chances of predicting on-the-job performance by eight times! The assessments and recommended practices have been developed in a manner consistent with all critical standards and guidelines. They were designed to provide a framework for determining the proper use of assessments and other selection procedures, as well as preventing discriminatory employment practices.

Address and contacts:

Alamanda Tower
Unit 23B, Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 23 – 24, 12430 Jakarta – Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 2276 7137

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