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Formula E Not Confirming Anies’s Claim that Jakarta will Host Race in 2020

Anies Baswedan with Formula E?s CEO and COO, Alexandro Agag and Alberto Longo.

On 14th July 2019, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that Jakarta will host a Formula E Race in 2020, after a three-month-long negotiation with Formula E’s CEO and COO, Alexandro Agag and Alberto Longo.

In one of his social media posts, Anies commented: “This means the world’s eyes and cameras will focus on Jakarta, thousands of spectators from around the globe will be present. Jakarta will be noticed globally.”

A Formula E spokesperson has told that while the discussions are in the advanced stages, the final decision has yet to be made. Therefore, the organisers are still unable to make an official announcement. An FIA Formula E spokesperson also stated that they have two available slots for the 2019/2020 calendar. The details will be announced shortly.

Source: Tempo
Image: Pinterpolitik

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