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COVID-19 Sinovac Vaccination in Indonesia Begins


Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has officially received a COVID-19 vaccination on Wednesday 13th January, broadcast live through the Presidential Secretariat YouTube channel.

First, the COVID-19 vaccination team checked the president’s blood pressure which they confirmed was healthy. According to the COVID-19 vaccination team, there are certain limitations for someone being allowed to take the vaccination.

“If one’s blood pressure is above 140, they are not allowed to continue the vaccination process,” said the vaccinator team officer to Jokowi. “The president’s blood pressure is 130/60.”

The officer then asked about Jokowi’s medical history, namely whether the president has previously contracted the virus or has a history of congenital disease.

“Have you ever been infected with COVID-19?” said the vaccinator team officer.

“No, sir,” replied Jokowi.

“Have you ever had a cough, chills, or even a fever? Have you ever had a history of heart disease?” asked the vaccinator team officer.

“No,” answered Jokowi.

After going through the initial questions, the vaccinator team decided that the president was fit for the vaccine injection and immediately brought him to the location where the vaccine was injected.

The presidential doctor briefly explained the vaccination process to the president.

“I will take the Sinovac vaccine from the box which will be injected to the president,” said the vaccinator team officer while showing a small white box that reads SAR-Cov 2 Vaccine Sinovac.

A moment later, the presidential doctor immediately carried out the COVID-19 vaccination process and asked whether it hurt.

“It doesn’t hurt at all,” said Jokowi.

After undergoing the COVID-19 vaccination, Jokowi had to wait about thirty minutes to find out whether he would have an allergic reaction. The initial vaccination took place at the Merdeka Palace and was targeted at the president and a number of community groups.

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono said that First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo nor the ranks of the ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet would be amongst those vaccinated today.

“There are nurses, representatives of religious figures, representatives of businessmen and of course, the merchant community,” Heru said.

Regarding the vaccination of the ministers, Heru revealed that the process will be carried out on another day and the process would be prepared by the Ministry of Health.

President Jokowi has on several occasions said that he would be the first to be injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. According to him, this was done to ensure the safety of the vaccine. Thus, the whole community can have confidence in the safety of vaccines and no one refuses to be vaccinated.

The Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) has issued an emergency use authorisation (EUA) for the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Sinovac and PT Bio Farma (Persero).

Head of Food and Drug Administration Penny K. Lukito said that the issuance of EUA was carried out after conducting a study of the Phase III COVID-19 Sinovac clinical trial in Bandung along with reviewing the results of the Sinovac vaccine clinical trials conducted in Turkey and Brazil.

Penny stated that the vaccine has shown the ability to form antibodies and the ability of antibodies in the body to kill or neutralise viruses or immunogenicity.

“The results of clinical trials in Bandung show good immunogenicity,” said Penny.

The level of efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine based on the results of clinical trials in Bandung is 65.3 percent. Based on these data, and referring to the requirements of WHO in granting EUA approval for the COVID-19 vaccine, Penny stated that the vaccine meets the requirements for approval in an emergency.

“Therefore, today, Monday 11th January 2021, the Food and Drug Administration has granted an emergency use authorisation for the COVID-19 vaccine, which was the first production of Sinovac in collaboration with PT Bio Farma,” Penny said.

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has also issued a halal fatwa for the Sinovac vaccine. The first point of the MUI Fatwa Number 02 of 2021 states that the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Sinovac Life Science Co Ltd. China and PT Bio Farma (Persero) are holy and lawful.


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