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BNN Seizes 200kg of Crystal Meth after Raids in Bekasi

200kg of crystal methamphetamine was found in Bekasi

After raiding two warehouses in Bekasi, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) succeeded in confiscating 200kg of crystal methamphetamine, 25,000 ecstasy pills and 4,000 happy five pills.

BNN drug eradication deputy inspector, Arman Depari, said that the two warehouses were located in Tambun and Kranji respectively. During the raid in Tambun, they found 100 packages of crystal meth. Five hours later, they seized ecstasy and happy pills in Kranji, along with a few more packages of crystal meth.

According to Arman, there are two suspects in the case – the courier and the distributor. The suspects, who are only identified as ZUL and FAR, were safeguarding the warehouses when the raid took place.

Source: Tempo
Image: The Jakarta Post

See: Police Arrested Syndicate Group Distributing Drugs via Grab and Go-Jek

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