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Domestic Travel: No Booster, Mandatory PCR Tests’

domestic travel
Domestic Travel: No Booster, Mandatory PCR Tests?

Domestic travellers using air, sea, land, private or public transportation modes are now required to show a negative PCR test result unless they have received a booster shot.

This has been announced by the Head of the COVID-19 handling task force Lt. Gen. Suharyanto in circular number 23/2022 concerning provisions for domestics travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, which took effect from 11th August until further notice. 

Under the latest travel regulations, domestic travellers are required to carry out the provisions of the health protocol. This includes wearing a three-ply cloth mask or medical mask covering the nose, mouth and chin, as well as washing hands regularly and keeping their distance. Every domestic traveller is also required to activate the PeduliLindungi app.

Here are the full terms and conditions for the latest domestic travel terms:

For domestic travellers over the age of 18:
  • Travellers with the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine or booster are not required to show a negative PCR or rapid antigen test result.
  • Travellers with only the first or second vaccine dose must show PCR test results taken within 72 hours of departure.
  • Travellers with special health conditions meaning they cannot receive the vaccine must show the results of a COVID-19 test along with a doctor’s certificate from a government hospital. 
For domestic travellers aged 6-17 years:
  • Travellers with the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine are not required to show a negative PCR or antigen test result.
  • Travellers with only the first dose are required to show a negative antigen test result valid for 24 hours or a negative PCR test result within 72 hours.
  • Travellers aged 6-17 years from abroad who have not received the vaccine are required to show a negative antigen result of 24 hours or PCR taken within 72 hours of departure.
  • Travellers with special health conditions or comorbid diseases meaning they cannot get the vaccine are still required to show a negative antigen test result of 24 hours or a negative PCR test result of 72 hours before departure, accompanied by a medical certificate from a doctor at a government hospital.
  • Domestic travellers under the age of 6 years are not required to show a negative result of the PCR or antigen tests. The companion must fulfill the provisions for vaccination and COVID-19 examination and apply strict health protocols.

This provision is excluded for routine travellers using land transportation modes using private or public vehicles and trains in one area or region.

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