Go-Jek Vice President’s Post Supporting LGBT Rights Gets BacklashIndonesia ExpatOctober 19, 2018October 19, 2018 by Indonesia ExpatOctober 19, 2018October 19, 20180LGBT people in Indonesia are facing renewed pressure after a ride-sharing company’s message of support triggered an anti-gay response in...
Indonesian City To Set Up An LGBT “taskforce”Indonesia ExpatFebruary 21, 2018November 10, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatFebruary 21, 2018November 10, 20210(Telegraph) The Indonesian city of Depok has announced it will set up a “taskforce” to control the activities of the...
Police Arrest 144 in Kelapa Gading Raid On Gay VenueIndonesia ExpatMay 22, 2017November 11, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatMay 22, 2017November 11, 20210North Jakarta Police arrested 144 men late Sunday, May 21, during a raid on a bathhouse in Kelapa Gading, North...
Indonesia to Ban LGBT Networking AppsCaranissa DjatmikoSeptember 16, 2016September 16, 2016 by Caranissa DjatmikoSeptember 16, 2016September 16, 20160Over 80 apps and websites with LGBT-related content may soon be banned by the Indonesian government. As the Indonesian LGBT...