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Pause on Work Permit Applications from Ministry of Manpower

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Work Permit Applications from Ministry of Manpower

Indonesian Manpower Minister Ida Fauziah has issued a circular from the Minister of Manpower number M / 15 / HK.04 / XII / 2020 regarding the use of foreign workers in an effort to prevent the entry of COVID-19 positive people.

Following the results of the limited cabinet meeting decision on 28th December 2020, in order to prevent an increase in the transmission of COVID-19, including the new SARS-CoV-V-2 variant B117 in first discovered in the UK, and a circular of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 number 4 of 2020 concerning the travel health protocol for people during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ministry has announced the following:

  1. A temporary suspension of work permit applications for the use of foreign workers for new applications.
  2. Foreign workers who have been employed and are still in Indonesia can be extended based on the submission of an application from the employer.

This Circular Letter is valid from 1st to 14th January 2021 and can be changed according to developments in Indonesia’s situation.

Source: Indonesian Ministry of Manpower

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