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EVisa Application Requirements and Procedure

visa on arrival
EVisa Application Requirements and Procedure

The Regulation of Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 26 of 2020 on visas and stay permits in the new normal states that visa applications should be done online and applicants will be issued an electronic visa, or eVisa.

Visa and/or stay permit refer to an official, diplomatic, visitor, and temporary stay visas, and official stay, diplomatic stay, temporary stay, and permanent stay permits.

This also includes crew members arriving to join transport, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Cardholder, and traditional border crossing pass/cardholder. Transport operators must ensure every passenger provides a valid declaration of a negative PCR test result.

Until now, the minister has still temporarily suspended the granting of visitor visa exemptions and visa on arrival until the COVID-19 pandemic is declared over. The temporary suspension of the visitor visa exemption is imposed on foreign nationals entitled to visa exemption facilities as annexed in President Regulation Number 21 of 2016 on Visitor Visa Exemption. It means that the 30-day free stamp is not currently available, nor is the 30-day paid-for visa which can be extended one time.

Single-entry visitor visas are for foreigners to enter for emergency and essential work; a business meeting; the purchase of goods; a probationary period for foreign workers; a medical, food, and humanitarian aid worker; and a crew member who will join their vessel in Indonesia.

Visitor visas and temporary stay visa applications require a visa approval from the Director-General of Immigration and a sponsor. This sponsor must apply online by attaching the following documents:

  • A health certificate, in English, declaring the visitor to be free from COVID-19 by a competent authority in their home country.
  • A declaration letter, in English, consenting to mandatory self-isolation or to undertake medical treatment at an accommodation or a designated health facility by the Indonesian government at the traveller’s own expense when a PCR check upon arrival by the health authority at ports of entry results in a positive with the COVID-19, or with symptoms in accordance with the health protocols and provisions of law and regulations.
  • A consent letter confirming willingness to be monitored during quarantine or self-isolation in accordance with the health protocols and provisions of law and regulations.
  • Health insurance or travel insurance covering medical expenses, and/or a declaration letter confirming willingness to cover medical treatment at their own expenses, if tested positive for COVID-19 during their stay in Indonesia.

A sponsor must provide evidence of sufficient funds, at least US$10,000, to support the visitor’s living expenses during their stay in Indonesia – although this is not applicable to a medical, food, and humanitarian aid workers, and crew members.

Meanwhile, a foreigner holding a visitor stay permit who has been granted an emergency stay permit and is currently residing in Indonesia can apply for an extension of their stay permit at immigration offices for 30 days. This is applicable to holders of visas on arrival, single-entry visitor visas, multiple-entry visitor visas, and APEC Business Travel Cards.

For those holding a temporary or permanent stay permit and have been granted an emergency stay permit whilst residing in Indonesia, they can apply for an extension subject to their substantive temporary or permanent stay permit. Temporary stay permit extensions can be converted to a permanent stay permit. Those who aren’t eligible for further extensions may be granted a new stay permit after their visa approval has been issued.

Lastly, stay permit holders residing in Indonesia can be granted a new stay permit after a visa approval has been issued. Foreigners holding an expired temporary or permanent stay permit, or an expired re-entry permit of a permanent stay permit and are overseas must apply for a new visa to enter Indonesia.

Application submission procedure

Visa approvals will be made as long as the sponsor applies online and completes the payment for visa approval and visa. Once approved, applicants will receive their eVisa by emails.

The following is the application submission procedure:

  1. Visit the website
  2. Click “Apply for Visa” at the top right.
  3. Input data and upload personal data requirements (individual or corporate).
  4. Wait for the notification with the username and password.
  5. Select the option “Create Request”.
  6. The guarantor is given the choice of application depending on the intent and location of the visitor:
    1. Currently outside Indonesia or
    2. Within Indonesia
  7. Select the type of visa to be applied for, input data, and upload the required documents.
  8. Select the payment type, as follows:
    1. Simponi: payment is made through the Simponi perception bank payment channel.
    2. Duty-free: Foreigners are required to attach a letter of approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights regarding the charging of zero Rupiah in the required documents.
  9. Make PNBP payments.
  10. Make sure the choice of service type and purpose is appropriate. If the application has been sent and the verification result is not accepted, the application will be rejected and the fees that have been paid cannot be refunded.
  11. If approved, a notification will be sent via email.


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