The government no longer uses the term “emergency PPKM” when handling COVID-19 in several areas in Java and Bali, instead using PPKM Level 3 and 4.
The rules regarding PPKM level 3 and 4 are contained in the Instruction of the Home Affairs Minister Number 22 of 2021 concerning the enforcement of restrictions on community activities level 4 coronavirus disease 2019 in the regions of Java and Bali.
The regulation was signed by the Home Affairs Minister, Tito Karnavian on Tuesday 20th July and is valid until Sunday 25th July.
The regulation states that the determination of the regions subject to the PPKM level 3 and 4 policies is guided by the indicators of adjusting public health efforts and social restrictions in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic set by the health minister.
The PPKM level 3 and 4 rules also contain provisions for travelling conditions for the community, both using private vehicles and public transportation.
“Public transportation such as mass transportation, taxis (conventional and online), and rental vehicles are enforced with a maximum capacity setting of 70 percent by implementing stricter health protocols,” reads one of the points of the regulation.
Furthermore, the regulation also explains the travel requirements for domestic travellers who use private cars, motorbikes, and long-distance public transportation, such as airplanes, buses, ships, and trains. These travellers must meet the following travel requirements:
- Show a vaccine card with at least the first dose of vaccination
- Show a PCR test within the last 48 hours for air travel and an antigen test within 24 hours for private cars, motorcycles, buses, trains, and ships
- For arrivals and departures in Java and Bali, the rules do not apply to transportation within the agglomeration area for example, for the Jabodetabek area
- Drivers of logistics vehicles and other goods transportation are excluded from the provisions of having a vaccine card
The following is a list of regions that are covered by PPKM level 4 status:
DKI Jakarta
- Pulau Seribu Administrative District
- West Jakarta Administrative City
- East Jakarta Administrative City
- South Jakarta Administrative City
- North Jakarta Administrative City
- Central Jakarta Administrative City
- South Tangerang City
- Tangerang City
- Serang City
West Java
- Purwakarta Regency
- Karawang Regency
- Bekasi Regency
- Sukabumi City
- Depok City
- Cirebon City
- Cimahi City
- Bogor City
- Bekasi City
- Banjar City
- Bandung City
- Tasikmalaya City
Central Java
- Sukoharjo Regency
- Rembang Regency
- Pati Regency
- Kudus Regency
- Klaten Regency
- Kebumen Regency
- Grobogan Regency
- Banyumas Regency
- Tegal City
- Surakarta City
- Semarang City
- Salatiga City
- Magelang City
Special Region of Yogyakarta
- Sleman Regency
- Bantul Regency
- Yogyakarta City
East Java
- Tulungagung Regency
- Sidoarjo Regency
- Madiun Regency
- Lamongan Regency
- Gresik Regency
- Surabaya City
- Mojokerto City
- Malang City
- Madiun City
- Kediri City
- Blitar City
- Batu City
The following is a list of regions that are under PPKM level 3:
- Tangerang Regency
- Serang Regency
- Lebak Regency
- Cilegon City
West Java
- Sumedang Regency
- Sukabumi Regency
- Subang Regency
- Pangandaran Regency
- Majalengka Regency
- Kuningan Regency
- Indramayu Regency
- Garut Regency
- Cirebon Regency
- Cianjur Regency
- Ciamis Regency
- Bogor Regency
- West Bandung Regency
- Bandung Regency
Central Java
- Wonosobo Regency
- Wonogiri Regency
- Temanggung Regency
- Tegal Regency
- Sragen Regency
- Semarang Regency
- Purworejo Regency
- Purbalingga Regency
- Pemalang Regency
- Pekalongan Regency
- Magelang Regency
- Kendal Regency
- Karanganyar Regency
- Jepara Regency
- Demak Regency
- Cilacap Regency
- Brebes Regency
- Boyolali Regency
- Blora Regency
- Batang Regency
- Banjarnegara Regency
- Pekalongan City
Special Region of Yogyakarta
- Kulon Progo Regency
- Gunungkidul Regency
East Java
- Tuban Regency
- Trenggalek Regency
- Situbondo Regency
- Sampang Regency
- Ponorogo Regency
- Pasuruan Regency
- Pamekasan Regency
- Pacitan Regency
- Ngawi Regency
- Nganjuk Regency
- Mojokerto Regency
- Malang Regency
- Magetan Regency
- Lumajang Regency
- Kediri Regency
- Jombang Regency
- Jember Regency
- Bondowoso Regency
- Bojonegoro Regency
- Blitar Regency
- Banyuwangi Regency
- Bangkalan Regency
- Sumenep Regency
- Probolinggo Regency
- Probolinggo City
- Pasuruan City
- Jembrana Regency
- Buleleng Regency
- Badung Regency
- Gianyar Regency
- Klungkung Regency
- Bangli Regency
- Denpasar City