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Odd-Even Policy Jakarta Restarts on 3 August


The rules regarding odd-even vehicle license plates will be re-introduced in DKI Jakarta starting from Monday 3rd August.

The city is still in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic and large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) have also recently been extended until 13th August.

“The first reason is because traffic conditions are very crowded at the moment. On some roads, such as in South Jakarta, the number of vehicles continue to grow and exceed normal conditions before the pandemic,” said DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) Head Syafrin Liputo.

By re-enacting this policy, it’s hoped that citizens only made important trips to avoid the buildup of vehicles. The odd-even method refers to the numbers on a vehicle’s license plate. Odd dates allow cars with an odd-numbered license plate to drive in the city and the same for even dates and plates.

  1. Time

The odd-even policy isn’t in place for the whole say, but covers rush hours in the mornings and evenings. Morning hours cover 6am to 10am, with afternoon hours covering 4-9pm, with each timeframe enforced Monday to Friday. The sanctions imposed by violators are in accordance with the provisions of law number 22, year 2009 concerning traffic and road transportation (LLAJ), which mandates a maximum fine of Rp500,000.

  1. Exemptions

Several types of vehicles are exempted from the rules, in accordance with those stipulated in DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation (Pergub) No. 51 of 2020, namely:

  1. Vehicles that transport people with disabilities
  2. Ambulances
  3. Fire trucks
  4. Public transportation with yellow plates
  5. Vehicles that are driven by electric motors
  6. Motorcycles
  7. Special vehicles for fuel oil and gas fuel goods
  8. The vehicles of the leadership of the Republic of Indonesia’s state institutions, namely:

1) President or vice president

2) Chair of the MPR or DPR or DPD

3) Chairman of the MA, MK, KY, BPK

  1. Vehicle undertaking official service, e.g. Indonesian National Army (TNI) and Indonesian National Police (Polri)
  2. Vehicle of leaders and officials of foreign countries and international institutions that are guests of the state
  3. Vehicles to provide assistance in traffic accidents
  4. Vehicles for certain purposes according to the considerations of the police officers. For example, money transport vehicles for Bank Indonesia, interbank, and ATM restocking, with supervision from the National Police.
  5. Road Sections
The odd-even policy will be enforced in 25 roads in DKI Jakarta:

1.Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat
2. Jalan MH Thamrin
3. Jalan Jenderal Sudirman
4. Jalan Jenderal S Parman, starting from Jalan Tomang Raya until Jalan Gatot Subroto
5. Jalan Gatot Subroto
6. Jalan MT Haryono
7. Jalan HR Rasuna Said
8. Jalan DI Panjaitan
9. Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani from Jalan Bekasi Timur Raya until Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan
10. Jalan Pintu Besar Selatan
11. Jalan Gajah Mada
12. Jalan Hayam Wuruk
13. Jalan Majapahit
14. Jalan Sisingamangaraja
15. Jalan Panglima Polim
16. Jalan Fatmawati from Jalan Ketimun 1 until Jalan TB Simatupang
17. Jalan Suryopranoto
18. Jalan Balikpapan
19. Jalan Kyai Caringin
20. Jalan Tomang Raya
21. Jalan Pramuka
22. Jalan Salemba Raya west side and Jalan Salemba Raya east side, from Jalan Paseban Raya until Jalan Diponegoro
23. Jalan Kramat Raya
24. Jalan Stasiun Senen
25. Jalan Gunung Sahari

Source: Kompas

Image: Galamedia

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