The Bali Provincial Government has developed the LOVEBALI app, which will be updated ahead of Bali’s planned reopening for international flights.
“We’ve received clear directions from the governor – tourists who come to Bali must download, install, and use the LOVEBALI app,” said Head of the Information Applications Section, Bali Provincial Communication, Information, and Statistics Agency, I Gusti Ngurah Puspa Udiyana.
The obligation of tourists to download, install, and use the application is stated in the circular letter of the Governor of Bali number 15243 of 2020 concerning requirements for tourists to visit Bali.
Bali’s department of communication and informatics has been preparing LOVEBALI since 2020. However, the COVID-19 cases at that time were still high. With the recent plans to open Bali for foreign tourists as early as 14th October, authorities will reactivate the application.
LOVEBALI has been developed so that the local government can obtain tourism data, which will be processed and used to help formulate policies. According to Udiyana, the app has a tracking feature and logs travel history in a similar way to PeduliLindungi.
For this reason, the Bali Provincial Government has been in discussions PeduliLindungi regarding the possibility of an integration to make life easier for tourists.
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit tourism hard, as it is one of the major economic sectors in Bali. The island is now readying to welcome the arrival of foreign tourists through the adaptation of new habits and the implementation of regulations and the application of strict health protocols.