The Law and Human Rights Ministry has extended the validity period of Indonesian passports to 10 years from the original five-year period.
The change is stated in the Regulation of the Law and Human Rights Minister number 18 of 2022 concerning amendments to the regulation of the Law and Human Rights Minister number 8 of 2014 concerning ordinary passports and travel documents.
“This ministerial regulation comes into force on the date of its promulgation in Jakarta on 29th September 2022,” as signed by the Minister, Yasonna Laoly, on Friday 30th September.
Between articles 2 and 3, one article is inserted, namely article 2A which reads, “(1). The validity period of an ordinary passport is a maximum of 10 years from the date of issue.”
Ordinary passports with a maximum validity period of 10 years are only given to Indonesian citizens who are 17 years old or married. The validity period of an ordinary passport issued for a child with dual nationality must not exceed the age limit for the child to declare his or her citizenship.
“The age limit of the child as referred to in paragraph (3) is determined in accordance with the provisions of the legislation,” writes article 2A paragraph 4.
For Indonesian citizens who are domiciled in Indonesia, an application for a passport is usually submitted to the minister or immigration officer appointed at the immigration office by filling out a data application and attaching documents that complete the requirements, including:
- A valid identity card;
- Family card;
- Birth certificate, marriage certificate or marriage book, diploma, or baptism certificate;
- Indonesian citizenship letter for foreigners who acquired Indonesian citizenship through citizenship or submission of a statement to choose citizenship in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations;
- Letter of stipulation for change of name from the authorised official for those who have changed their name; and
- Old ordinary passport for those who already have a regular passport.
Meanwhile, children with dual citizenship must attach:
- The electronic identity card of the father or mother who is an Indonesian citizen;
- Family card;
- Marriage certificate or parent’s marriage book;
- Birth certificate;
- Immigration residence permit of foreign father or mother;
- Photocopy of father or mother’s regular passport;
- Affidavit evidence for those who already have a national passport or proof of registration of a child with dual citizenship; and
- A statement from both parents stating that they are responsible for the use of the Indonesian travel documents.