Indonesia Expat

Conservative Lawmaker: Indonesia’s LGBT Community an “Emergency”


Jazuli Juwaini, chairman of the conservative Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction in the House of Representatives, has applauded efforts targeting the country’s LGBT community amid international outcry.

He said the ‘behaviors’ of the LGBT community is of concern as it ‘endangers’ the younger generations by conflicting with Pancasila, Indonesia’s founding ideology.

“This same-sex party is clearly very worrying, we must all be careful to not get ourselves infected with such disease, and we need to protect the generation of this nation from the LGBT community,” Jazuli said in his short message in Jakarta, last Tuesday, May 23.

Jazuli says the behavior of the LGBT community demonstrates the growing importance of respecting Pancasila values, particularly religious values, as the country’s mandate.

The LGBT community is related to the infiltration of liberal culture in the state and allows for unlimited freedoms, he added.

“Liberal, permissive and unlimited liberation culturally nourishes the seeds of LGBT, we must all prevent the spread of this culture because it clearly violates our national character as stated in Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution,” he added.

“Central and local government, law enforcement agencies, mass organizations, community leaders, religious leaders and all components of society must actively cooperate to prevent social disasters caused by deviant behavior of homosexuals in order to save the nation’s generations.”


See: Police Arrest 144 In Kelapa Gading Raid On Gay Venue

The comments come after the North Jakarta Police Force Team conducted a raid on the Atlantis Jaya Spa in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, rounding up 144 men and seizing evidence Sunday, May 21.

North Jakarta Police Criminal Unit Head Nasriadi said investigators seized condoms, tickets, CCTV recordings and a copy of the business license. Cash believed to be tip money, mattresses and advertising for future events were also confiscated.

Police also arrested the owner, reception staff and security of the venue. Investigations are continuing in the case, but charges are likely under anti-pornography laws.

Image credits: East Timor Action Network, Huffington Post

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