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Appeal Against Masks in Cars Heard in Jakarta

Appeal Against Masks in Cars Heard in Jakarta

A man had protested that he was fined for not wearing a mask while driving his own car around Lake Sunter, North Jakarta.

The man was fined following a hearing held by joint officers from the Indonesian National Police and Army, as well as the Municipal Police (Satpol PP), and North Jakarta District Court judges.

The police explained that the rules for wearing masks apply from the time anybody leaves their house.

“We must understand that the use of masks is mandatory for all people who leave the house.  If we use the car outside the house, it’s the same. We are obliged to wear masks,” said North Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Sudjarwoko.

The man did not appear to have received a ticket by the authorities when he was caught not wearing a mask in his car. His claim before the judge was that he felt that he did not harm anyone.

The judge then gave an explanation regarding the use of masks that must still be worn when leaving the house. The man then chose to pay a fine for his mistake.  “Yes, I have paid the fine,” he said.

After finishing the trial, the man, who declined to be identified, protested to reporters. He explained that he was alone in the car.

“I was by myself in my car and not wearing a mask, but alone, you know, but I put my mask on in the car because I go to the office,” explained the man. “Where is the harm? I’m not hurting anyone.”

After paying the fine, the man was seen hastily leaving the site. He crumpled the receipt in his hand as he returned to his car.

Source: Detik

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