Shop Luxury at Jakarta Watch Exchange Show 2022Indonesia ExpatNovember 5, 2022November 5, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 5, 2022November 5, 20220Short for Jakarta Watch Exchange, JWX is holding the first and biggest event this year for the luxury watch trade...
Appeal Against Masks in Cars Heard in JakartaIndonesia ExpatSeptember 17, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatSeptember 17, 2020July 9, 20210A man had protested that he was fined for not wearing a mask while driving his own car around Lake...
Locally-made Electric Cars Ready for Testing at End of Year: MinisterSania RasyidAugust 31, 2017 by Sania RasyidAugust 31, 20170Electric cars developed in the country may be ready to undergo road test at the end of this year, Technology...
Car Theft HoaxesKenneth YeungMay 20, 2014August 8, 2017 by Kenneth YeungMay 20, 2014August 8, 20170“There’s a new method of car theft,” a colleague breathlessly told me last week. “Thieves throw an egg at your...
On Deadly RoadsKeimmy XuMay 6, 2014August 18, 2017 by Keimmy XuMay 6, 2014August 18, 20171I’ve never felt so close to pounding someone’s face with my knuckles. How has road behaviour degenerated to such mindlessness,...