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Government Responds to Misbehaving Tourists in Bali

Bali as a tourist destination

Jokowi has officially announced Wishnutama as the new Minister of Tourism and the Creative Economy for the period of 2019-2024.

It is expected that Wishnutama will increase the development of the tourism sector in many areas.

Especially in Bali, Wishnutama is challenged with the issue of misbehaving tourists. The problems highlighted include tourists who get drunk to such an extent that they become out of control and disturb locals, as well as tourists who insult holy places like temples with disrespectful behaviour.

Bali tourism expert, Puspa Negara, highlighted the problem to need to respond to many cases of tourists’ poor behaviour. According to him, the actions of ill-behaved tourists has tarnished Bali’s image as a tourist destination.

“There are some cases of naughty tourists such as them doing obscene things in touristy areas even in holy places, being involved with crime, disobeying public rules, and so on. These are challenges for Wishnutama to manage tourism in Bali and Indonesia,” Puspa said on 23 October.

She added that it would be better if there were specific regulations to cover naughty tourists in Bali.
“Beside regulation, we also need to monitor and evaluate tourism management. Later it can strengthen security systems and existing procedures,” she explained.

Further, Puspa also emphasised the importance of the participation of the local community which can lead to initiatives where they can work together with the relevant stakeholders.

Bali’s Governor Wayan Koster has been drafting regional regulations governing the issues in the tourism sector. The regulations will contain various ethics and prohibitions that must be obeyed by tourists during a vacation in Bali.

“Yes, we are on track and we are on target to complete in December. We just need to have another discussion to finalise,” Koster said on 16th October.

Source: Detik

Image: Jawa Pos

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