Transportation Ministry Starts Building Longest Elevated Railroad in IndonesiaIndonesia ExpatJanuary 10, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatJanuary 10, 20220The Transportation Ministry has officially started the construction of the Solo-Semarang double-track railway phase one for the Solo Balapan –...
PPKM in Java and Bali Extended to 18th OctoberIndonesia ExpatOctober 4, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatOctober 4, 20210The government has again extended the implementation of PPKM in Java and Bali from 5th to 18th October 2021. “There...
Embracing Solopreneurship, Ditching the Nine to Five Working HoursIndonesia ExpatAugust 20, 2021November 10, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatAugust 20, 2021November 10, 20210Although the traditional nine-to-five grind provides timely paychecks, streams of benefits, and overall stability and security, many are choosing to...
Those That are Desperate to Go Home to Solo must Quarantine at Vastenburg FortIndonesia ExpatDecember 4, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatDecember 4, 2020July 9, 20210The increase of cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia has pushed the Solo City Government to become more assertive. For those...
Prabowo Rallies Supporters in Jokowi’s hometown of Solo, Claims on Holy Mission to Save IndonesiaIndonesia ExpatApril 12, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatApril 12, 20190“We are on a holy mission to save our nation from being robbed due to our national wealth being taken...