Half Million Sharks May Be Killed for COVID-19 VaccineIndonesia ExpatSeptember 28, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatSeptember 28, 2020July 9, 20210One of the ingredients for making one of the COVID-19 vaccine is shark liver, which can produce a natural oil...
Fishermen in Indonesia Undaunted by Declining Shark Fin Demand in ChinaIndonesia ExpatJanuary 25, 2016April 10, 2023 by Indonesia ExpatJanuary 25, 2016April 10, 20230Demand for shark fin is in decline, particularly in China, but shark fishing is still rampant in Indonesia. A lack...
For Sharks’ Sake, Take a VacationIndonesia ExpatNovember 11, 2014June 14, 2024 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 11, 2014June 14, 20240City girl Kathy Xu dreamt up a paradise trip to save sharks, help fishermen and promote conservation in Lombok, Indonesia....
30 Places to Dive in IndonesiaFrancesco RicciardiAugust 26, 2013August 16, 2017 by Francesco RicciardiAugust 26, 2013August 16, 20170The Indonesian archipelago, with thousands of kilometres of coral reefs, pristine remote islands and an enormous biodiversity, is one of...
A Ray of HopeFrancesco RicciardiMay 20, 2013August 23, 2017 by Francesco RicciardiMay 20, 2013August 23, 20171CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between governments....