Embargo Effect: 100 Million Vaccine Delayed in Delivery to IndonesiaIndonesia ExpatApril 8, 2021July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatApril 8, 2021July 9, 20210Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has said there are 100 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine that have an uncertain...
Fetch the Fava Beans and a Nice ChiantiEamonn SadlerAugust 10, 2015August 4, 2017 by Eamonn SadlerAugust 10, 2015August 4, 20170Where I come from people never die. Before you rush to buy a house next to mine, I don’t mean...
Sticks and Stones won?t Break by Bones and Artfully they Speak for me ? the Eco in Kamoro ArtDennis G. KloethNovember 24, 2011October 23, 2017 by Dennis G. KloethNovember 24, 2011October 23, 20170Long and heavy it lies on the wet morning grass, the dew licking its undersides. Young sunlight grazes its skin....