Jokowi Launched 9 Coronavirus Handling Products Made in IndonesiaIndonesia ExpatMay 20, 2020 by Indonesia ExpatMay 20, 20200President Joko Widodo has launched range of research-focussed, technological, and innovative products to assist in the acceleration of handling the...
The Indonesian Debt CollectorsIndonesia ExpatJuly 31, 2018 by Indonesia ExpatJuly 31, 20180VICE Indonesia explores the fascinating world of debt-collecting in Indonesia. Many of the men who are in this industry are...
Aluminimum Investors Wanted in Tanah Kuning Industrial Zone DevelopmentIndonesia ExpatJune 16, 2017November 11, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatJune 16, 2017November 11, 20210Due to high potential of bauxite reserves, government is trying to invites investors to develop aluminium factories in the Industrial...
Government to Channel Chinese Investment into Special Economic ZoneIndonesia ExpatMay 31, 2017November 11, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatMay 31, 2017November 11, 20210In order to encourage investment outside Java, the government will channel Chinese investment to Special Economic Zones in Sei Mangkei...
Rully Darmawan, Business Development Manager of Liberica CoffeeAngela JelitaAugust 22, 2014August 11, 2017 by Angela JelitaAugust 22, 2014August 11, 20170Firstly, I’d like to know a bit about your background. Where did you study and what got you interested to...