Volocopter, Electric Flying Taxi Prepares Singapore-Indonesia Route in 2024Indonesia ExpatFebruary 18, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatFebruary 18, 20220Volocopter, an electric flying taxi made by a German start-up, plans to carry out its inaugural flight from Singapore to...
3 Foreigners Injured in Lombok Helicopter CrashIndonesia ExpatJuly 14, 2019July 14, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatJuly 14, 2019July 14, 20190Three foreigners and an Indonesian pilot were injured after a helicopter crash-landed in a rice field on the Indonesian island...
Carl AlbillotAngela JelitaNovember 25, 2011April 4, 2021 by Angela JelitaNovember 25, 2011April 4, 20210Shw mae Carl Albillot! The Welshman who leases small aircrafts into the jungle for a living What business are you...