Mystical Warning Sign Rang from Kulkul PejenenganIndonesia ExpatMarch 27, 2020 by Indonesia ExpatMarch 27, 20200The people of Klungkung, Bali heard sounds from Kulkul Pejenengan at the Puri Agung Klungkung during the night of the...
Bali Suspends Operations at Tourist Sites due to COVID-19Indonesia ExpatMarch 23, 2020March 25, 2020 by Indonesia ExpatMarch 23, 2020March 25, 20200The provincial administration of Bali, Dewa Made Indra, is urging to stop all operations in tourist destinations on the resort...
Our Most Popular Stories of 2016Leighton CosseboomDecember 28, 2016 by Leighton CosseboomDecember 28, 20160We?ve compiled the data on the stories our audience has deemed most important or interesting this year. Please let us...