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Immigration Announces Updated Rules for Extending Visa on Arrival and Visit Visa

Immigration Announces Updated Rules for Extending Visa on Arrival and Visit Visa
Immigration Announces Updated Rules for Extending Visa on Arrival and Visit Visa. Image Source: Created2Travel

Indonesia’s immigration has introduced updated rules for extending Visa on Arrival (VoA) and Visit Visa for foreign nationals.

The extension of an Indonesian Visa on Arrival (VoA) now requires verification by the immigration office in accordance with the foreign national’s residence in Indonesia. However, applications for VoA extensions can still be submitted online via the following website:

“Applications for Visa on Arrival extensions can be completed online, whether for foreign nationals using an electronic VoA [e-VoA] or a VoA in the form of stickers obtained at the immigration counter in the airport arrival area. After the VoA extension application is submitted, officers at the immigration office will verify the foreign national’s data before issuing the VoA extension,” stated the Director of Immigration Traffic, Felucia Sengky Ratna, on the Directorate General of Immigration’s official website as published on Friday, the 8th of November.

Furthermore, foreign nationals holding a visit visa valid for 60 days who wish to apply for an extension must have a guarantor or sponsor who is an Indonesian citizen.

“Foreign nationals need to assess their requirements. If they plan to stay in Indonesia for more than 60 days, it’s advisable to have a guarantor from the outset. If they intend to stay for fewer than 60 days, then they can apply for a visit visa without a guarantor,” added Ratna.

The provisions related to immigration office verification for VoA and visit visa extensions are outlined in the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Permenkumham) No. 11 of 2024, Article 97, which amends Permenkumham No. 22 of 2023.

In addition, the article states that foreign nationals will not be subject to overstay charges if the application and payment for the extension of a VoA or visit visa are made before the visa expires.

Steps to Apply for a VoA or Visit Visa Extension via
  1. Click the “Extend My Visa” button on the website’s homepage;
  2. Enter your passport number, country of origin, and date of birth;
  3. If the data is correct, you will be directed to fill out the visa extension form;
  4. Make payment using a debit or credit card with the Visa or Mastercard logo.

For foreign nationals who previously received their VoA at the airport immigration counter and wish to apply for an extension online, follow these steps below:

  1. Click the “Services” menu at the top right of the e-visa website;
  2. Under point 2, click the “Find Existing Stay Permit” button;
  3. Enter the foreign national’s passport number, nationality, and date of birth. The VoA information will then appear, allowing the foreign national to apply for a VoA extension.

“The Directorate General of Immigration implements digital-based services to facilitate the process for the public, including foreign nationals. This convenience is accompanied by screening procedures to ensure that foreign nationals in Indonesia comply with the applicable regulations,” concluded Ratna.

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