The Ministry of Research and Technology has announced details of law number 11 of 2019 concerning the national system of science and technology.
This information includes the rules that apply to foreign researchers in Indonesia.
Executive Deputy for Strengthening Research and Development at the Ministry of Research and Technology, Muhammad Dimyati, said that the issuance of law number 11 of 2019 was a to help Indonesian researchers to position themselves and raise their spirit in the context of collaborative research and development with foreign researchers.
Dimyati added that domestic teams, including local researchers who wish to cooperate with outside partners or foreign researchers, must pay attention to and understand the law as a reference in research collaboration with foreign parties in Indonesia.
In addition to providing encouragement and protection, the law also provides protection in the form of sanctions for anyone who violates or does not comply with the norms stipulated in the law. These sanctions apply to both Indonesian and foreign partners in research and development cooperation.
“This is because there are many research and development collaborations carried out on the Indonesian side, including domestic universities with foreign parties,” said Dimyati.
Foreign researchers conducting research activities in Indonesia without a permit will be subject to administrative sanctions and a maximum fine of Rp4billion. This is as regulated in article 93 concerning those who have been placed on the blacklist, according to the provisions of article 92, but still, continue to commit violations.
Furthermore, the perpetrator may be subject to additional penalties in the form of a prohibition on obtaining research permits in Indonesia for a maximum period of five years.
“The implementation of research, development, assessment, and application by foreign science and technology institutions and/or foreigners must obtain a permit from the central government,” said Dimyati.
Foreign researchers are also required to transfer technology and submit primary research data, as well as provide a proportionate share of profits in accordance with the agreement of the interested parties. Also, making a written agreement regarding the transfer of material in the context of transferring or transferring material in physical and or digital form.
Source: Tempo