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‘Peringatan Darurat’ Goes Viral on Social Media, Large-Scale Demonstrations Loom

'Peringatan Darurat' Goes Viral on Social Media, Large-Scale Demonstrations Loom
'Peringatan Darurat' Goes Viral on Social Media, Large-Scale Demonstrations Loom. Image Source: Hai Bunda

The ‘Peringatan Darurat‘ (in English: ‘Emergency Warning’) poster featuring the Garuda Pancasila symbol on a blue background has gained traction on social media following the House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia or DPR RI) agreeing to ratify the controversial Regional Election (Pilkada) Bill.

The ‘Peringatan Darurat‘ poster has been circulating widely on social media since Wednesday, 21st of August. The poster originated from a video clip uploaded by a YouTube account called EAS Indonesia Concept, which creates videos modelled after the Indonesian version of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). Many Indonesian netizens have shared the poster on social media as a representation of public anger in response to the recent Pilkada Bill, which was passed by the DPR RI and is seen as conflicting with a prior ruling by the Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi or MK).

One key issue driving public anger is the DPR RI’s decision in the recently ratified Pilkada Bill to overturn the MK’s previous ruling concerning age eligibility in regional elections. The MK’s earlier ruling was perceived as a setback for President Joko Widodo’s youngest son, Kaesang Pangarep, who was expected to run in the 2024 Central Java Regional Election. However, the new Pilkada Bill nullifies the MK’s ruling, making Pangarep eligible, in terms of age, to stand in the regional election. As of the 22nd of August, Pangarep is 29 years old.

A constitutional law expert from Padjadjaran University, Susi Dwi Harijanti, stated that any decision made by the MK is final and binding, meaning that the DPR RI, the President, and the General Elections Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum or KPU) must implement it. This is also consistent with Indonesia’s constitution, as outlined in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 or UUD 45).

“The Constitutional Court’s decision is the law. Article 1 Paragraph 3 of UUD 45 states that Indonesia is a country governed by law. Therefore, the MK’s decision must be upheld. The principle of a state governed by law does not allow us to justify all means,” Harijanti told the press on Wednesday.

Several Indonesian public figures have also shared the ‘Peringatan Darurat‘ poster on their respective social media pages, including filmmaker Joko Anwar, filmmaker Angga Dwimas Sasongko, comedian Ernest Prakasa, journalist Najwa Shihab, musician Once Mekel, and actor Fedi Nuril.

Meanwhile, a large-scale demonstration in response to the DPR RI’s intervention in the MK’s ruling is expected to take place on Thursday, 22nd of August, starting at 9 AM. The University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia or BEM UI) plans to hold a demonstration in front of the DPR RI building in Senayan, Jakarta. Additionally, university professors, academics, and former activists from the May 1998 Riots are expected to gather at both the DPR RI building and the MK headquarters to stage public demonstrations.

“Today, we witness with our own eyes how the political elite are manipulating a system that is supposed to serve the people. We, as voters, are not commodities to be used only during regional elections! The regional election bill, which distorts the meaning of the law for the benefit of a select few, is a direct attack on our democracy,” BEM UI wrote on their Instagram page on Wednesday.

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