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Increase in COVID-19 Deaths in Four Bali Regencies

Bali’s COVID-19 Handling Task Force has reported an increase in COVID-19 deaths in four regencies.

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bali reported few deaths. However, data from Bali’s Provincial Health Office has reported a continuous increase in COVID-19 deaths for the last few months, with approximately 5 casualties per day.

On Wednesday 23rd September, Bali reported an additional 7 deaths. The deaths occurred in four specific regencies of Bali, namely Denpasar, Karangasem, Buleleng, and Gianyar. These are the most common districts where COVID-19 patients pass away.

In Bali alone, there is an approximated 234 Indonesians and 2 foreigners that have died from COVID-19.

As well as deaths, the number of positive cases has increased. There is an estimate of 8,126 cumulative cases of COVID-19 in Bali now, with a total number of 6,623 recovered cases.

Source: BaliPost

Image: Al Jazeera

Increase in COVID-19 Deaths in Four Bali Regencies

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