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Company Vaccinations Postponed to End of May 2021

vaccinations postponed
Company Vaccinations Postponed to End of May 2021

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto has said that the implementation of the gotong royong, or mutual cooperation, vaccination will be postponed to the end of May 2021.

“There are already 500,000 of Sinopharm’s 7.5 million vaccines available,” said Airlangga.

The government has also secured a CanSino vaccine order of 5 million doses. However, its arrival in Indonesia is still uncertain.

The gotong royong program allows private companies to secure vaccine supplies through government agencies at a fixed price. The companies will then vaccinate their workers with the stocks purchased.

The government has set a standard charge of Rp500,000 per dose. The price consists of the vaccine at Rp375,000 per dose, plus an injection fee of Rp125,000 each time.

Vaccine recipients will receive two doses of the vaccine, making the total cost of vaccination for one person Rp1 million.

Previously, the Special Staff of the State-owned Enterprise Ministry, Arya Sinulingga, confirmed that the mutual cooperation vaccine would begin on 17th May 2021, right after the Eid celebration.

“The government already has a free vaccine program, but businesses are trying to help the government by vaccinating employees. This mutual aid vaccination program tries to contribute to the government and the country,” he said at the West Merdeka Forum Vaccine Ready Indonesia event last week.

The mutual cooperation vaccine will be prioritised for companies that are in risk zones in terms of COVID-19 transmission, for example, manufacturing.

Also Read KITAS and KITAP Holders Eligible for Government Vaccine

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