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Nine Emergency Codes Simulation at Premier Bintaro Hospital Ensure Safety

Premier Bintaro Hospital
Nine Emergency Codes Simulation at Premier Bintaro Hospital Ensure Safety

Premier Bintaro Hospital (RSPB) periodically conducts emergency simulations to test the readiness of hospital staff in the event of an extraordinary condition or event with the latest by activating nine emergency codes simultaneously.

The nine emergency codes that were activated and successfully handled were codes for responses to extraordinary events, internal assistance personnel (staff, doctors, nurses and assets), bomb threats, fire threats, internal threats (staff, doctors, nurses and assets), cardiac arrest response, internal disasters, evacuation, and situation codes. This simulation involved more than 120 RSPB employees with 30 probands (people pretending to be patients) from minor and serious injuries to death, as well as several agencies including Gegana Korbrimob from the National Indonesian Police and the South Tangerang Fire Department.

South Tangerang Fire Department
South Tangerang Fire Department

“All officers at RSPB have been trained, but we need to ensure that they are all ready and responsive in uniformly responding to emergency information, without causing unnecessary panic so that they can consciously take control measures against the hazards that occur,” said Dr Martha M.L. Siahaan, MARS, MH.Kes, the CEO of RSPB.

How did the simulation occur?

The simulation began with a mass accident with dozens of victims being referred to the RSPB. At the same time, there was also the threat of two bombs, one of which exploded, killed victims and caused fires and power outages resulting in the hospital having to evacuate patients who were confirmed positive for COVID-19. The purpose of this simulation is to train hospital staff, both medical and non-medical, to jointly understand the role of each in emergencies. The roles tested include the ability to identify emergencies, convey emergency information, implement emergency principles under emergency response procedures, and also the ability to use assets in handling emergencies.

Premier Bintaro Hospital
Emergency Codes Simulation

“We learned from the Kanjuruhan tragedy and deeply empathise – condolences to all the victims of this incident. We certainly don’t expect that to happen around us, but from that, we, as a health facility, look at ourselves and learn how to always be responsive and play a role as much as possible if something like that happens. We also do this simulation so that we can always protect and ensure the safety of everyone who is in the RSPB environment,” concluded the CEO.

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