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Some Foreigners Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccines Soon

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Some Foreigners Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccines Soon

The Ministry of Health said foreigners who are in Indonesia on government or NGO assignment can get the COVID-19 vaccine.

The shots will be available either through government programs or independently through the Mutual Cooperation Vaccination program (vaksin gotong royong).

This is stated in article 10 of the Minister of Health Regulation number 10 of 2021 concerning Vaccination in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, signed by Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

“Representatives of foreign countries and international non-profit organisations who are on duty in Indonesia can participate in the implementation of the Mutual Cooperation Vaccination,” said a statement on Friday 26th February.

The vaccination program is described in chapter I, Article I, paragraph 4, of the regulation.  The vaccination program is a government initiative for the community whose funding is borne by the government.

Meanwhile, Mutual Cooperation Vaccination is described in paragraph 5, namely the implementation of vaccination for employees, families, and other related individuals, with those vaccines paid for by legal or business entities.

Specifically for Mutual Cooperation Vaccination, the jabs can only be administered in public or private health service facilities that meet the requirements. The Mutual Assistance Vaccination fee is also set by the government and should not exceed the maximum tariff that has been decided.

In addition, article 7 paragraph 4 explains that this type of independent vaccine will also be different from the vaccine program.

Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

Also Read Proposal: Bali To Receive AstraZeneca Vaccine, Travel Corridor to Island

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